The Launceston AgeWell Centre operates out of Kings Meadows Community, Aldersgate each Thursday from 10am to 2pm, offering social support and day respite for community clients over the age of 65.
It enables clients to maintain physical and emotional wellbeing with a range of guest speakers, activities and lunch outings.
Contact us to find out about eligibility and referrals.
Launceston AgeWell Centre
5 Normanstone Rd,
South Launceston, TAS, 7249
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required

Book a tour
Take a personal tour and see the AgeWell difference for yourself. Book now to find out how we can support you to age well and live the life you want.
** Please note that due to the current COVID-19 situation, not all sites are available for tours. Where tours are possible, safe visiting protocols are in place, which include pre-screening, social distancing and hygiene requirements before entry into the facility. No tours are possible without an appointment.