It's Harmony Week!

Established to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity and coinciding with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, this week provides the platform to acknowledge the contributions of multicultural communities to Australian society.

42% of Uniting AgeWell’s employees were born overseas. Our team now includes representation from 363 countries who speak 38 languages. Reflecting our core values of Inclusion this week we will be celebrating the varied journeys and career pathways of just some of our valued employees and we encourage you to read their stories below.

Maraia Waqangau

After the death of her partner Maraia Waqangau moved back to Swan Hill –but never imagined her new-found friends would change the course of her life.

“I used to pop in and spend time with my neighbour, who is a client at Uniting AgeWell,” explains Maraia. “And one day her daughter told me ‘You’re so good with older people, you should apply for a job there.’ Then the person across the road, who also works at Uniting AgeWell, told me, ‘You really should come and work with us!”

So, with encouragement from all sides, Maraia started her role as Home Care Domestic Support Worker at Uniting AgeWell Loddon Mallee North Home Care Programs a year ago, and has not looked back.

Read Maraia's story

Maraia profile pic

We're creating sacred spaces for all spiritualities

Every morning, a 97 year old resident sits in the Multi-Faith room at Uniting AgeWell Andrew Kerr Care, and breathes in the tranquility and serenity.

The room is open to all – residents, staff, families, volunteers, and visitors. Its primary purpose is to provide an uninterrupted peaceful space, to support the spiritual or religious needs and practices of users from a broad range of religious, secular and spiritual backgrounds.

Learn more

Multi fatih room oasis